At this stage performing complementary to those performed in the detecting step to determine the cause of hearing loss and the characteristics, may provide the patient with this the best treatments or for each problem audiological research included.

  • Neonatal Hearing Screening more

  • Hearing Screening School more

  • Tonal audiometry


At this stage performing complementary to those made in the detection step to determine the cause of hearing loss and the characteristics, it can provide the patient with the or the best treatments for each problem audiologic tests included.


  • Audiometry ( air and bone )

  • High frequency tone audiometry ( 8 to 20 KHz )

  • Tinnitometry

  • Logoaudiometry

  • Audiometry Bekesy

  • Otoacoustic emissions ( distortion product and evocation transitory )

Middle ear

  • Tympanometry high and low frequency

  • IPSI and contralateral acoustic reflex

  • Tone Decay

  • Tubal Function Tests

Balance and Equilibrium

  • Vestibular tests

  • Videonystagmography

  • Static and dynamic posturography


Our rehabilitation services are focused on auditory area and language , choosing the type and model that best suits the individual patient by the characteristics of their condition, age detection, current status, among others.

  • Establishing drug regimens

  • Performing various surgical procedures

  • Adaptation of hearing systems more

  • Cochlear Implantation more

  • Implementation of equipment osteointegrated more


We have strict management protocols depending on the patient’s needs, the area or diagnostic process comes from, thus guaranteeing comprehensive management and continuous from the first contact with one of our centers.

  • Programming and progressive mappings for hearing aids and implants

  • Verification systems adaptations hearing

  • Real ear measurements


Our rehabilitation services are focused on auditory area and language , choosing the type and model that best suits the individual patient by the characteristics of their condition, age detection, current status, among others.

  • Auditory-verbal rehabilitation

  • Language therapy

  • Lip-reading facial

  • Vestibular rehabilitation



To review, maintenance and repair of hearing systems of any make and model.


All kinds of molds, swim plugs and noise, as well as hearing protection systems and adaptation of hearing systems are made using the best materials available so far.