SONORUM DESIDERANS is our comprehensive program of cochlear implant, which is based on the most recognized national and international protocols for the selection and management of our candidates for cochlear implant surgery.
What is a cochlear implant?
A cochlear implant is an electronic device capable of replacing electro-stimulation in the cochlea occurs when there is dysfunction of the outer cells in the inner ear.
Converts sounds into patterns of electrical signals that stimulate nerve fibers in the cochlea. In this way the patient is able to perceive sounds without noise amplification.
The objective is to provide useful hearing implant to improve the communication skills of people with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss type.
It is an excellent alternative when traditional solutions like hearing aids, pose little or no benefit for people with severe or profound hearing loss.
How does it work?
The microphone system processor (outside of the system) collects the sounds of the environment, which are then evaluated by the system language processing and coded in a certain way according to the strategy of language processing used by the audiologist.
The encoded signal is sent to the antenna via a cable, which is fixed to the head by means of a magnet that is attracted by another magnet within the receiver just under the skin implant (inside).
The antenna transmits the encoded to the receiver in the implant by means of FM radio frequency transmission signal. Once inside the receiver the encoded signal is processed and sent back to the electrode line. The objective of the processing in the receiver (inside) is in order to divide and determine which electrode inside the cochlea send the stimulus.
The electrode generates an electrical event that stimulates the auditory nerve fibers which lead the first electrical stimulus to the brain stem and then to hearing centers in the temporal lobe of the brain. These are responsible for shaping and meaning to the transmitted electrical stimuli.
Who is the cochlear implant?
To see if you or your child are eligible and can receive all the benefits of a cochlear implant, review the information detailed below, these criteria are generalized and based on international protocols; however, currently there are some exceptions in enabling implementation of special cases.
It is an excellent alternative when traditional solutions like hearing aids, pose little or no benefit for people with severe or profound hearing loss.
Children 12 to 24 months
- Profound sensorineural type hearing loss in both ears.
- Little progress in the development of listening skills with hearing aids or other amplification systems.
- Great family motivation with realistic expectations.
- Have other medical conditions that are not involved with the implementation process.
Children 2 to 7 years
- Hearing loss severe to profound sensorineural type in both ears.
- Who have little or no benefit from hearing aids.
- Lack of progress in the development of listening skills.
- Great family motivation with realistic expectations.
Adults 18 and older
- Hearing loss severe to profound sensorineural type in both ears.
- They receive little or no benefit from hearing aids.
- When the gain provided by the hearing aid in the ear to be implanted have a poor performance in word recognition.
It is important for determining prognosis expectations and take into account the following aspects:
- Age of onset of deafness.
- If the patient is prelingual or poslingual.
- Time with the auditory deprivation (duration of deafness without the use of hearing aids).
Implementation process
Through this process medical records, medical examinations and clinical assessments by various professionals who make up the team are made. Which it is distributed as follows:
Includes clinical review of the case and desk studies the following: Tympanometry and acoustic reflex, otoacoustic emission registration, audiometry and if the patient’s age and ability permitting logoaudiometry, determining gain with hearing aids, auditory evoked potentials of brainstem , auditory evoked potentials steady state and in certain cases electrocochleography.
Patient assessment by our surgeon; at this stage we take into account the clinical review and its imaging (TDC, MRI).
This process includes clinical observation and application of various speech tests in order to determine the prognosis of the development of language, considering the chronological age of the patient, time of auditory deprivation and the level of preimplantation development language.
Our team will evaluate various factors psychology psychosocial environment of the child, in order to give the pre-implementation recommendations.
En resumen, el proceso se divide en 5 pasos:
Valoración multidisciplinaria de su candidatura para el proceso de implantación.
Seguimiento radiológico y de habilitación o rehabilitación auditiva.
Certificación del candidato y recomendaciones.
Cirugía de implantación.
Unilateral or Bilateral
Every day more implanted opt for bilateral implantation :
It is shown that the intensity of a sound is higher if both ears simultaneously perceive that if they perceived one. In addition , to achieve a good level of hearing in cases of patients with bilateral implantation with lower earnings thresholds required. This reduces the possibility of distortion , improves sound quality and provides lower battery consumption . But most importantly it allows the bilateral implemented better locate the source of sound, among others.
Studies indicate that bilateral implants provide:
· Improved speech understanding in various everyday listening situations.
· Easier to hear, especially in noisy environments.
· Improved spatial hearing, including:
– Locate (identified by) sounds in space.
– Separate the desired unwanted sounds.
– Achieving better sound awareness of the environment.
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What to expect from a cochlear implant?
· While a cochlear implant represents a world of opportunity, remember that everyone is different and results will vary from person to person. The extent and severity of the hearing loss influence how much and how quickly can benefit from a cochlear implant.
Children can develop a speech and language appropriate to their age and communicate better at home and at school.
Environmental sounds
Hear a broad range of ambient sounds such as alarms, doorbells and approaching vehicles. Enjoy subtle nature sounds including rain, birds
singing and barking dogs.
· For some people, the understanding of sound and speech therapy and requires prática. The brain needs time to adjust to the hearing with a cochlear implant. Usually hearing performance gradually increases with time and use.
Contact more fully
The cochlear implant users can get to talk on the phone without using special systems. Music brings you new horizons to enjoy.
Factors influecing
· The duration of hearing loss.
· The degree of hearing loss.
· The state of the cochlea.
· Other medical factors.